Gabriela Hofer is a PhD candidate and university assistant at Aljoscha Neubauer’s lab at the University of Graz (Austria). In her research, she focuses on self- and other-knowledge of different cognitive and non-cognitive abilities, trying to answer the question “Who knows what a person is good at?". Her other research interests include (close) relationships and interpersonal attraction (and its relationship to intelligence and other abilities).
Gabriela is passionate about open and reproducible research practices. She co-leads the ReproducibiliTea journal club in Graz (see for information on our journal club and for an overview of the ReproducibiliTea movement) and is a founding member of the Graz Open Science Initiative (GOSI; ).
She is also an early career researcher representative at the Austrian Association for Psychology (see ), where she and her colleagues work on improving the working conditions of PhD-students and Post-Docs.
Doctoral Programme Natural Science, ongoing
University of Graz
MSc in Psychology, 2017
University of Graz & Universitat de Barcelona
BSc in Psychology, 2014
University of Graz